
AI Carving Strawberry on a Plane (Syncs to Fast Music) Version 1 0001 2600

This is a visualization of an image recognition AI called AlexNet, which was designed by Alex Krzhevsky, Geoffrey Hinton, and Ilya Sutskever of Google’s SuperVision Group. If you play music it will appear to sync up to whatever you play with varying results. Usually faster, even tempo, music is better. AlexNet competed in a competition for image recognition AI called the ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge in 2012. This visualization is built off of the Deep Dream visualization algorithm also designed by Google. Created by Blake T. Ellender.



AI Carving Hot Air Balloon on a Sphere (Syncs to Fast Music) Version 1 0001 2604

This is a visualization of an image recognition AI called AlexNet, which was designed by Alex Krzhevsky, Geoffrey Hinton, and Ilya Sutskever of Google’s SuperVision Group. If you play music it will appear to sync up to whatever you play with varying results. Usually faster, even tempo, music is better. AlexNet competed in a competition for image recognition AI called the ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge in 2012. This visualization is built off of the Deep Dream visualization algorithm also designed by Google. Created by Blake T. Ellender.



AI Visualization Fish on a Sphere (Syncs to Fast Music)

This is a visualization of an image recognition AI called AlexNet, which was designed by Alex Krzhevsky, Geoffrey Hinton, and Ilya Sutskever of Google’s SuperVision Group. If you play music it will appear to sync up to whatever you play with varying results. Usually faster, even tempo, music is better. AlexNet competed in a competition for image recognition AI called the ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge in 2012. This visualization is built off of the Deep Dream visualization algorithm also designed by Google. Created by Blake T. Ellender.



AI Carving Gondolas on a Sphere Visualization (Syncs to Fast Music) Version 4 0001 3600

This is a visualization of an image recognition AI called AlexNet, which was designed by Alex Krzhevsky, Geoffrey Hinton, and Ilya Sutskever of Google’s SuperVision Group. If you play music it will appear to sync up to whatever you play with varying results. Usually faster, even tempo, music is better. AlexNet competed in a competition for image recognition AI called the ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge in 2012. This visualization is built off of the Deep Dream visualization algorithm also designed by Google. For more, subscribe to our channel on youtube. Created by Blake T. Ellender.
