Today we are sharing progress on the Czar. She is another important character in To Say The Least’s next album.
Sculpting The Face
With this character, we have already made a lot of progress based on the development of Audrea Rose. This means for this character we are taking a little bit different workflow.
Drama Con Flama
The Czar is not exactly someone you would want to have over for dinner. For this reason, we tried to make her look as severe as possible.
The White Base
For the Czar, we are going to develop a white-powered makeup look. This makes this character a little difficult to ensure it is not hitting the uncanny valley. So some sculpting may need to be redone once those shaders are developed.
Mary Bloody Mary
The Czar is inspired by two different women, Mary, Queen of Scots and Elizabeth Báthory. Both of these women are suggested as the real-life origin of the Bloody Mary Folk Tale. Of course, this means we need hair that defies gravity.
Refining The Hair
Adding Sideburns
Adjusting The Hair Color
Setting The Eyes
Poofing Out The Hair
The Beginnings Of The Czar's Dress
There is still a lot of work to be done on the Czar but a good amount of progress has been made. Next, the character will require painting and further outfit development. The placeholder dress fabrics will be updated as well.