Viewing entries tagged
Concept Album


The Onoda 63 Doorway - Part I

The Clone Vessel Ortega is just part of an immense industrial complex. All those raw Materials have to go somewhere.  

The Onoda Doorway Powering Up

Gas is ionized as the doorway fires up.

The Onoda 63 Doorway opens up to a view of Earth.



Progession of a Character - Nicole Arcanum



    Above is the progression of Nicole Arcanum from sculpt to a shaded character. The 3d model and shaders created by Blake T. Ellender. Nicole is for an upcoming project with music by To Say The Least. They are currently working on recording their next album The Shape Our Reality Takes. This concept album will feature images to illustrate the concept album's story. Stay tuned for her upcoming costume design.



Bastion 13

Bastion 13 is the last city not fallen to the wildmen. The SubTerra train system that used to connect these last remnants of civilization now lay dormant. Their lines have been walled up and stations turned into hydro farms. How long can it last? Resources run low and tensions high. 
