
Lachesis Album Cover Released

Lachesis Album Cover - Digital Painting by Blake T. Ellender
The Album Cover for the upcoming album Lachesis by To Say the Least has been completed. It builds on the motif painted for the preview of Lachesis, The House You Built EP. More details about this album coming soon.



New Album Announcement and Album Art WIP - Lachesis

Hi, I am Blake and my Band-mate's name is Cody. Together we are To Say the Least, the house band for Smells Like Revenge Productions. Almost a year ago Cody approached me with an idea to switch lanes and start work on an entirely different project. We had bitten of a little too much to chew with a set of operatic concept albums and accompanying animated music videos. We simply did not have the computer equipment available to complete videos to the level we desired. We had spent years and years and years on this project. But hey… sometimes that’s what happens when you try and push a boundary. The technology available to you comes back with a time barrier that is unacceptable on a human time scale. So, for now we are left to wait for consumer available computers to catch up to our needs.

So, it was a smart decision to step back and work on something else for a while. We have shared a fascination with the mythos of various ancient cultures but, as we speak English, the ones we are most familiar with are from Christianity and the Greco-Roman Era. Above all what spoke to us was the motif of struggling with fate. We happen to written a lot of music along these lines, but with Cody being inspired by the work of Jeff VanderMeer, we honed in on this idea. So, we began to cobble together songs that fit this narrative.

One thing you need to know about Cody before we continue the story of this album, he loves snakes. He is a snake genius. Cody can name almost any snake on sight and explain its country of origin, habitat, and behavior. So, he has often brought up bringing the snake, the bushmaster into the design of To Say the Least’s aesthetic.

The Bushmaster Pit Viper - Lachesis muta muta
Photographer: Christopher Murray

Beyond the snake’s beauty and deadliness, its Latin name is Lachesis. Lachesis is a tesseractal entendre of a word. It comes to Latin from ancient Greek and means "to obtain by fate", "to be fated" or "happens" depending on context. It is also the name of one of the three fates of Greek mythology. It is this that inspired the album cover.

By Blake Ellender
Lachesis Album Cover (Work in Progress)
 Digital Painting by Blake T. Ellender

This is the digital painting that will be the basis for the album cover. It combines the idea of the ouroboros and Lachesis.

An ouroboros drawing in a 1478 alchemical text, copied from a now lost manuscript dated to 412
Drawing by Theodoros Pelecanos from a work of Synesius

The ouroboros comes to the English-speaking world through Greek mythology as well. However, it is important to note that it originated in Egypt, despite our name for it coming from Greek words meaning “tail food”. The earliest known version of it was found on one of the gold enshrinements of Tutankhamen's sarcophagus

Carving of an ouroboros on one of the coverings of the Pharaoh's Tomb
Photo by Djehouty of German Wikipedia

The ouroboros became an important symbol in alchemy and is what it is best known for in the U.S. today. In alchemy the ouroboros became to stand for the cyclical nature of life and that despite death rebirth happens. So hopefully this album will help you contemplate fate just a little bit. As the author that inspired this album in Cody would say, or at least as best as I can paraphrase it, “There is a defiance in acceptance.”

This album Lachesis is dedicated to the loving memory of Mabel Wallace



AI Fever Dreams - Part I

This is a visualization of an image recognition AI called AlexNet, which was designed by Alex Krzhevsky, Geoffrey Hinton, and Ilya Sutskever of Google’s SuperVision Group. AlexNet competed in a competition for image recognition AI called the ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge in 2012. This visualization is built off of the Deep Dream visualization algorithm also designed by Google.

This set of images are the AI's best attempt to create an image that would most highly activate the neural network in a certain class. A certain "class" is just a fancy way to say a specific thing an AI has been trained to recognize. So when you say that a class is highly activated you're saying that the neural network is highly certain that the image it is accessing is in one of the categories of images it has been trained to recognize.

This creates an odd surreal set of images that is somewhere between beautiful and nightmarish. Look though the images and see if you can tell what they are! Answers are at the bottom of the post 😘

Created by Blake T. Ellender.


Here are zee answers...
 1: 'tench, Tinca tinca',
 2: 'goldfish, Carassius auratus',
 3: 'great white shark, white shark, man-eater, man-eating shark, Carcharodon carcharias',
 4: 'tiger shark, Galeocerdo cuvieri',
 5: 'hammerhead, hammerhead shark',
 6: 'electric ray, crampfish, numbfish, torpedo',
 7: 'stingray',
 8: 'cock',
 9: 'hen',
 10: 'ostrich, Struthio camelus'



The Samples of The Cold Equations EP

"The laws of physical nature operate with irrevocable certainty with no room for mercy, kindness, or sentimentality. In space life becomes a cold equation and the equals sign is often followed by death".

So begins the radio play, from which we took the samples for The Cold Equations EP. This EP was named for the title of the play. The Cold Equations was originally a short story by Tom Godwin published in August of 1954. 

It follows the crew of a delivery spacecraft that is taking medicine to the colony of a distant planet. When the crew finds a stowaway, they are forced to take chilling actions to ensure the survival of the illness laden colony.

The novelette was part of a monthly publication called Astounding Science Fiction. It was part of a wave of science fiction stories that hit many countries during the 1950's-1960's. This wave was in tandem with the anxieties of mutually assured destruction and the promises of the nuclear family. 

The cover of the issue of the science fiction monthly in which
The Cold Equations was originally published in August 1954.
Source: The Internet Speculative Fiction Database
The Cold Equations novelette was so popular it was adapted into a radio play on a science fiction radio show called X Minus One. This adaptation aired only one year after the story was first written This is the form in which we came across this story. I implore you to give it a listen by clicking here or in the sources below. All of the X Minus One radio show is available for download and streaming by following this link or by looking in the sources below.  

As with most pieces of literature by 20th-century men, there is, of course, some problems with the constructions of the female character and her role in the plot. Just a heads up if you have a low tolerance for bullshit.

Sources & Rabbit Holes:
